Dominican University Scholars
Student Selected Topics: Racial Inequality, Substance Abuse, Food Injustice, Women's Empowerment, Immigration, Cultural Appreciation
- Led workshops on Immigrant rights, resources and opportunities
- Led community engagement efforts for urban farm in Englewood
- Led women empowerment workshops for local Latina women
- Created/hosted a series on substance/alcohol abuse
- "Mending the scars" workshops for LGBTQ+ and their relationship with the American Christian church
Benedictine University Scholars
2021: Focused on the book: "Learning Leadership: The Five Fundamentals for Becoming an Exemplary Leader", by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
- Assembled 100 hygienic kits for local homeless persons
- Created materials, ran workshops and conduted surveys on anti-racism
- Ran clothing, food and mask drive for south-side Chicago neighborhood
- Ran awareness-building campaign for CPS' Compassion Fund in response to families impacted by Covid 19
LINK Unlimited Scholars
Spring, 2021: LINK/Schmitt Leadership Scholars Created "THE LINK UP" - a "podcast with a purpose" featuring interesting and positive aspects of 10 Chicago neighborhoods with high percentages of African Americans showcasing good news stories of high achieving students, black-owned businesses, restaurants, and non-profits doing quality work in these neighbrohoods. The goal is to counter the images so often portrayed in the media that focus on violence and tragedy.
- Created "LINK UP"
- A podcast with a purpose
- Featuring good news happening in African American Chicago neighborhoods